Nyker Design

Company Biography

We are a product design consultancy based in the heart of Brighton. We turn great ideas into reality - from concept to prototyping to manufacturing. With our collaborative and innovative approach to design, we support industry leaders across a wide range of sectors to create exciting products that dare to make a difference.


Product, Research


South East



Work showcase

Centaur, 2023 - 2024

An intuitive control system for a self-balancing wheelchair.

Used secondary research to inform and deliver two Nyker led user research sessions (quantitative and qualitative) with the target demographic. Implemented insights to produce a formal set of guidelines for all future control interfaces. Delivered a finished design using these guidelines for the initial product launch.

The research and final design were presented at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in February 2024 as part of the Design Age Institutes funding program. Our final design is now being implemented into Centaur’s first production variant.

Fit face, 2023

Designed, developed, and validated the complete integrated FitFace system through contemporary design and execution. Managed all external electronics and software engineers to ensure delivery of the product.

Constructed an initial 20 batch of fully functional pre-production units and delivered high-quality marketing photography to support business development and investor acquisition.